
Know Your Prakriti

Take this quiz to know about your prakriti i.e. whether you are "VATA", "PITTA" or "KAPHA" dosha-dominant person.

1. Your Height Type:

2. Your Body Frame Type:

3. Your Body Weight Type:

4. Your Skin Type:

5. Your Eyes Type:

6. Your Hair Type:

7. Your Teeth Type:

8. Your Nails Type:

9. Your Joints Type:

10. Your Tongue looks like:

11. Your Immunity Type:

12. Your Appetite Type:

13. Your Thirst Type:

14. Your Sweating Type:

15. Your Urination Type:

16. Your Bowel Type:

17. Your Physical Activities Type:

18. Your Pulse Type:

19. Your Voice type:

20. You are Sensitive/ Intolerant to:

21. Normal Disease Tendency (You are Prone-to):

22. Your Typical Disorder Type:

23. Your Endurance Type:

24. Your Sleep Type:

25. You Usually Dream about:

26. Your Memory Type:

27. Your Faith Type:

28. Your Speech Type:

29. Your Usual Temperament:

30. Your Interactions type:

31. Your Positive Emotions:

32. Your Negative Emotions:

33. Your Behavioural Characteristic:

Please give the following details to know your result !

Please wait while we evaluate your "Prakriti" as per you submitted options !!!